Play Play Company was spending a considerable amount of time processing supplier invoices. Supplier invoices that needed to be paid were being emailed into a central mailbox from a variety of different sources. The invoices needed to be manually opened, reviewed and categorised and someone needed to then extract the relevant payment details including the invoice amount. Finally someone needed to manually process the invoice payment by logging into internet banking and making the payment.

The solution was to bring together robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and digital process automation to offer full lifecycle business automation.

UiPath was used as the robotic process automation platform and monitored the mailbox waiting for new invoices to arrive. Once an invoice arrived, UiPath opened the invoice and categorised it, extracted the necessary details including the supplier details, the invoice amount and the relevant payment details whether this be BPAY or bank account details.

Depending on how accurate UiPath felt the extraction was, it did one of two things:

The above process allowed the customer to cut costs, save time, reduce human error and boost accuracy. rapidMATION assisted the customer in implementing and automating the end to end process using K2 and UiPath.

rapidMATION was recently acquired by Tecala Group. Please follow the link below to be redirected.